Pavement Rehabilitation for Taxiway

Project Pavement Rehabilitation for Taxiway Bravo at Archerfield Airport
Client Archerfield Airport Corporation
Project Value < $100k
Project Overview The client required the development of a Pavement Inspection and Options Analysis Report for Taxiway Bravo to:

  • Identify areas of Taxiway Bravo pavements which require urgent/immediate maintenance repairs or treatments and comment on the current visual condition of the airfield pavement surfaces observed at the time of the inspection;
  • Provide a photographic record of the airfield pavement surfaces observed at the time of the inspection;
  • Assess the future uses of the taxiway if it were to be upgraded to be Code B or Code C compliant in accordance with the Manual of Standards (MOS) Part 139;
  • Provide recommendations of the airfield pavement works to be included Archerfield Airport Corporation (AAC) works program; and
  • Provide recommendations of airfields pavement works, both maintenance and capital, to be budgeted for over the next ten years.
JJR Involvement A report was developed providing several options for the client to consider to optimise the costs of the Taxiway Bravo pavement life cycle.