Load Rating for Three Overbridges on the Transport for NSW Country Regional Network Line
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Project :
Load Rating for Three Overbridges on the Transport for NSW Country Regional Network Line
Client :
John Holland Group
Project Value :
Project Overview :

John Holland Group (JHG) engaged JJR to undertake load rating assessments for the below listed overbridge assets for the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) on the Country Regional Network (CRN) Line:

  • O’Conell – Wambool Road Overbridge Wambool;
  • Private Road Off Village Newbridge Road Overbridge Newbridge; and
  • Tottenham Road Overbridge Tottenham.
JJR Involvement :

JJR’s experienced structural engineers conducted site inspections to undertake load rating assessments for each overbridge against nominated rating vehicles, which included a quantitative assessment of the slender steel trestles.
A comprehensive inspection and load rating report on structural upgrade options for each overbridge was prepared and delivered by JJR, which included compliance with current standards for train collision load resistance.
The inspection and load rating report delivered to JHG for each overbridge included structural upgrade options, which included compliance with current standards for train collision load resistance. The report also included a risk assessment undertaken at concept design stage to justify the concept designs for deflection walls, which would be required to prevent errant trains from colliding head-on with deck vertical supports.

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