Aviation Risk Assessment and Safety Case for Milton Boundary Intersection Upgrades
Market :
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Project :
Aviation Risk Assessment and Safety Case for Milton Boundary Intersection Upgrades
Client :
Mackay Regional Council
Project Value :
Project Overview :

Mackay Regional Council engaged JJR to undertake a risk-based Aviation Safety Case for issues associated with the Mackay Airport Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) and the proposed upgrade of the Milton East / Boundary Road East intersection.

JJR Involvement :

The scope of work for this project involved:

  • Assessment of current aircraft operations at Mackay Airport;
  • Assessment of the capacity of Runway 14/32 and the wind usability of Runway 05/23;
  • Current third party intersection lighting designs reviewed against the current Runway 05/23 Code 3 OLS;
  • Runway 05/23 Code 2 and Code 1 OLS developed;
  • Other critical aeronautical surfaces assessed to determine the risk to aircraft operations;
  • Third part intersection lighting designs reviewed against the alternative OLS and other critical surfaces;
  • OLS drawings showing impacts of the road lighting prepared; and
  • A safety case for submission to the aerodrome operator and Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) was developed.
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