PowerPark Systems Car Park Solar Structures
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Project :
PowerPark Systems Car Park Solar Structures
Client :
PowerPark Systems
Project Value :
Project Overview :

Structural design calculations were provided for the fabrication of steel structures designed to support Duomax Module Solar Panels at Sunshine Coast University.

All calculations were compliant with:

  • The Building Code of Australia;
  • AS 1170 Structural Design Actions;
  • AS 2780 Residential Slabs and Footings Construction;
  • AS 3600 Concrete Structures;
  • AS 4100 Steel Structures Code; and
  • AS 4600 Cold-Formed Steel Structures.
JJR Involvement :

The design of the following structural components was included within the scope of this project:

  • Foundation design including dimensions, thickness and reinforcement;
  • Secondary members including cladding support frame; and
  • Construction notes and specifications for steel and concrete works.

JJR assimilated information from architectural drawings, site surveying data, soil investigation reports and the client’s design requirements in order to successfully provide engineering design drawings and certification.

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