Hail Storm Repair Damage Assessment & Specialist Advice

Project Hail Storm Repair Damage Assessment & Specialist Advice
Client Cunningham Lindsey Australia (now Sedgwick) on behalf of Zurich Australia
Project Value $1M – $10M
Project Overview Cunningham Lindsey Australia are Chartered Loss Adjusters that engaged JJR on behalf of Zurich Australian Insurance to assess the impacts of a major hail storm that caused damage to various infrastructure at Archerfield Airport , this included assessment of all buildings, hangars, taxiways, aprons, electrical infrastructure etc..
JJR Involvement JJR were engaged by Cunningham Lindsey as part of the project team to identify any damages as a consequence of the 24 November 2014 hail storm which need to be repaired in the following areas:

  • Hangar doors;
  • Perimeter and other fencing;
  • Pavement, roads & other communal surfaces;
  • Runways; and
  • Electrical assets in the above areas.


This included identifying any Code Compliance upgrades (where required).

JJR also provided emergency repair works designs for assets that had been severely damaged and required immediate repairs.