Quarry Hills Parkland – Strategic Drainage Interface Review


Client Whittlesea City Council
Project Value <$1M
Project Overview The City of Whittlesea Council required investigation of drainage issues associated along the interface with Quarry Hills Regional Parkland (“QHRP”) and abutting residential properties. Council developed a Landscape Master Plan for QHRP to increase and improve public access into the park, whilst protecting and enhancing the existing biodiversity and heritage.
JJR Involvement JJR’s scope of works involved the following:

  • Inspection of the QHRP interface, including those properties identified as ‘hot spots’ where previous drainage issues have occurred;
  • Assessment and categorisation of issues to provide a sketch section drawing of the difference interface in terms of topography and existing landscape/drainage treatments along the interface;
  • Preliminary risk assessment that identifies existing and future problem areas in terms of drainage issues and potential adverse impacts on residential properties;
  • Review of the Landscape Master Plan, Implementation Summary report and assess against drainage improvements nominated by JJR. Indicative interface drainage treatment;
  • Recommendations for future design and maintenance outcomes in terms of how to develop an overall strategy and implantation plan to improve, upgrade and maintain the drainage; and
  • Advise Council of requirements to progress to detailed design.

JJR have subsequently been engaged and completed detailed designs of permanent upgrades to the drainage infrastructure at QHRP.