Solar Shade Design for Airside Walkway at Gladstone Airport
Market :
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Project :
Solar Shade Design for Airside Walkway at Gladstone Airport
Client :
Gladstone Airport Corporation
Project Value :
Project Overview :

Gladstone Airport Corporation engaged JJR to conduct the detailed design of a solar shade for the airside walkway at Gladstone Airport.

JJR Involvement :

JJR’s expert team undertook a site inspection, performed calculations, and provided the client with detailed design drawings in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards including:

  • Building Code of Australia (BCA);
  • AS 1170.0 – Structural Design Actions – General Principles;
  • AS 1170.1 – Structural Design Actions – Permanent, Imposed, and other Actions;
  • AS 1170.2 – Structural Design Actions – Wind Actions Code;
  • AS 2780 – Residential slabs and footings Construction;
  • AS 3600 – Concrete Structures;
  • AS 4100 – Steel Structures Code; and
  • AS 4600 – Cold-Formed Steel Structures.
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