Marulan South Limestone Mine Haulage Route Design

Project Marulan South Limestone Mine Haulage Route Design
Client Boral Cement Limited
Project Value $1M – $10M
Project Overview Boral Cement Limited was seeking the realignment and upgrade of Marulan South Road, to ensure compliance with Council and Austroads Standards, as well as for the development of a new cross junction intersection in Marulan South Road.
JJR Involvement In order to facilitate the realignment of Marulan South Road JJR conducted an assessment of the existing pavement condition, in order to determine the remaining pavement life using traffic forecasts from the environmental impact statement.

JJR then provided a concept geometric design consistent Austroads and Council requirements, which considered any identified potential impacts on the surrounding area such as impacts on drainage, property boundaries, and utilities.

JJR also provided realignment options and a concept roundabout within the concept road layout plan, concept pavement plan, concept longitudinal plan, concept longitudinal profile, and concept cross-sections.